You're supposed to yell "Fore"
By Keith Allison (originally posted to Flickr as Michelle Wie) [CC-BY-SA-2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons caption Not a golfer. Never have been. If there's no tiny windmill on the course, you won't find me. But I worked behind the scenes at a few LPGA golf tournaments in Rochester, NY, doing the PR and community relations thing. In a temporary building with air conditioning. Next to the microwave fries table. As I said, I'm no golfer. When the LPGA announced this morning they were abandoning Rochester for the greener (as in cash) greens of metro New York City, after 38 years in Rochester, I had a few observations: LPGA's timing sucks. Really? Announce a 2015 move to NYC two months prior to the 2014 tournament in Rochester? Why not just set fire to the ticket booth at Monroe Country Club? Waiting to make the announcement after August 2014 would still sting, but it would not have insulted the upcoming Rochester ev...