Save Money. Live Better. Shop Elsewhere.
As a teenager, I belonged to a retail union. This enabled me to work 20 hours a week at Master's, a regional department store. When business slowed, the store laid off workers, including me. The union rep said she could get my hours back -- or I could just accept the union's unemployment compensation, which amounted to the same check I'd get if I went back to work. Master's, if it existed today, would have been gutted by monolithic Wal-mart, whose "Save Money, Live Better" mantra masks a business strategy that demands lower costs for the goods it sells. This, in turn, sends manufacturing jobs to countries that don't defend the safety of their employees. That's what unions did best: they led the push for safer working conditions and livable wages. By Walmart from Bentonville, USA (Walmart’s Grease Fuel Truck) [CC-BY-2.0 (] via Wikimedia Commons You may have missed how Wal-mart attempted to trample a...